Jewish Holidays
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Explaining the Laws of the Three Weeks
The three-week period between Shiva Asar B’Tammuz and Tisha B’Av is kept by Klal Yisrael as a time of mourning. In this article, we will review and explain the halachos that apply during the Three Weeks. -
What's Fasting Got to Do With It?
A day of fasting in the Jewish calendar – such as this Sunday's Fast of Tammuz – is not one of dieting, but rather a day of introspection and teshuva (contrition and remorse). We are not fasting for something far-removed from ourselves, but rather for our situation this very day. -
Sad to Die in the Middle of Tamuz?
At first glance, it seems that the purpose of the month of Tamuz is to make us depressed. How should we relate too this month? -
What My Wife Cooks – I Eat!
Two men arguing amongst themselves as to whether one should eat meat or dairy dishes on the night of Shavuot. As they heard the sound of Rabbi Eliyahu’s car approaching, they thought to themselves to ask Rabbi Eliyahu’s opinion on the matter.
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